Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Is a Silence Truely Awkward?

What truely is an awkward silence? I really think there is no such thing as an awkward silence. It really is ok to have a silence or a pause when people are having a conversation, because this pause allows people to think about what they just heard. People only think they are awkward, because they make it awkward. I am the kind of person who sits there and listens to people when they talk, so you could say I would notice an awkward pause or two if one happened to occur. The only thing is, I think if there is a moment of silence, it allows people to gather their thoughts and really think before they talk. In my english class, people never answered questions when my english teacher would ask them. There would be long pauses before my teacher would be like " well this is awkward." I mean, in a classroom of 25 students, it could be a little weird when no one is talking. Even though it could feel weird when this occurs, I think silence isn't awkward. Silence allows for people to gather their thoughts and really think before they answer a question or respond to a statement. I do not think silences or pauses affects our ability to be listeners, because it gives us a chance to think about what we just heard. If there are a bunch of people talking at once to fill the air with words or noise, people will not listen to any of it. If one person was talking and paused to think about what to say, I think people will be more inclined to listen and really think about what they just heard. I truely like what people call "awkward" silences, because they help me think about what I just heard.

Who Am I?

The two things that define who I am are my family and my friends. I honestly believe that you are who you chose to spend your time with. I am very loyal, caring, and trustworthy. I always try very hard at every task that comes my way, and I always try to make the right decisions. I have been an ice skater since I was five, but after high school I am going to stop ice skating as I enter college. Ice skating has really influenced my life, because it taught me to never give up and be a strong person. I think the biggest influence in my life is my family. I am very close with my two older sisters. They are both teachers, and we try to spend as much time together as possible. My dad has also always been there for me. He is always the person cheering me on at a skating competition, and he is the kind of dad that is willing to do anything to make our family happy. My mom works very late every night, and she shows me what a strong work ethic can do for your future and your career. When I go to college, I think I want to study nursing. I want to either be a nurse for new born babies in the hospital or a nurse at a pediatricians office. I have always liked the idea of helping people and making them feel better. I hope in the future I can be a really good nurse and help out those in need. I honestly always try to be the best person I can be, and I hope it shows throughout my life.