Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Advertising women

This week in soc, I learned a lot more about commercials, magazine articles and school behaviors than ever before. It is really scary to even think about how commercials influence how we each want to live our life and how we want to look, without realizing it. I don't think I don't know anyone who is happy with the way they look. Everyone is constantly watching what they eat, what they drink and how much they work out, based on the fact that magazines and commercials tell us we need to. Every girl wants to be beautiful and every guys dream. Accomplishing this goal in America basically means that a girl has to have a certain body type. The real question is who decided that being thin and having certain qualities makes you beautiful? Girls worry constantly about their weight or how they do not look like the girls on billboards or commercials. The reason they do not look like them is because those models do not even look like that. They are photo shopped and cut and lengthened. What's so wrong about being naturally beautiful? Girls and boys have to stop thinking that there is only way to be beautiful in someones eyes, because that is not true. Dove commercials are really starting to help women see that they are beautiful in their own skin no matter what shape or size. More commercials should be made like this.


  1. Deff! I think men especially need to realize that women don't look like this and they really need to stop having unrealistic expectations for women!

  2. I really liked your post! I think that the Dove commercials are starting a great trend because they really do show what's realistic, and all of those women are still beautiful, even though they aren't stick-thin!
